About Leslie

Are you into baking therapy? Me too! Not familiar with what stress baking is yet? Read this post first!

Leslie leaning on a kitchen counter

I'm a self-trained baker and chronic illness advocate who wants to help others get comfortable in the kitchen and experience the benefits of “stress baking”.

I believe there’s no such thing as too much whipped cream, and will drop everything to pet a dog (true story).

I also strongly believe in realistic expectations and share my unique and approachable homemade recipes with a sense of humor to help others realize that practice doesn’t have to make perfect – just progress.

I want to provide easy to follow homemade recipes that anyone can make — not just Martha Stewart. On this site you're going to find desserts, drinks, savory dishes and more — you should be able to find a little bit of everything here.

I mean, honestly — the amount of powdered sugar and mascarpone cheese I purchase on a regular basis should be criminal. I'm always looking for new recipe ideas and inspiration, so please send me your ideas! I'd love to make your ideas come to life.

We all need to eat — so why not take the opportunity to use stress-baking recipes as an outlet for a delicious form of stress relief?


leslie @ stressbaking.com

Podcasts & Interviews

I love talking about food and stress management, and you’re more or less guaranteed that I will make dad jokes or let my dark humor leak – so be warned! ;) Here are podcasts I’ve had the pleasure of joining previously:

This is Not What I Ordered – Discussion about chronic illness, work-life balance, and using baking as a form of stress management.

tutoriaLinux – Our conversation is largely about my “day job” in tech, but we also touch briefly on Stress Baking.

Cook it Real Good – We talked about all things butter, as well as my Baking Basics series.

Fish Tales – Lee Trout and I chatted about various aspects of my blog including the origin story and what I do to keep things running.

The Articulate OX Podcast – Tim Johnson and I discuss my blog, the importance of taking care of your mental health, and the loss of my beloved choco taco.


In 2015, a few of my favorite recipes were published in the fall edition of Esperanza Magazine along with a brief interview about how I use baking and blogging as an outlet for my stress and anxiety.

Check them out – it's a wonderful publication that strives to increase the awareness of depression and anxiety and to provide hope and empowerment to those in the depression and anxiety community.

Leslie on the floor

Pinterest vs. Reality

I won’t hesitate to show you when I create an epic fail, because that’s reality. My life isn’t Pinterest-perfect, and that shouldn’t be the goal! I believe that practice doesn't make perfect – it makes progress.

An overflowing bowl of batter that drips on a cat’s head because I added baking powder and forgot I’d just poured in some vinegar… that crap is funny.

I am not going to hesitate to tell you if a certain process is a complete pain in the ass and that using a box mix is going to make it easier – why make things more difficult than they have to be?